Bandon Dunes Golf Resort
America's Best Golf Resort is located in Bandon, Oregon along a remote section of the Pacific coastline. You'll often hear people say it's harder to get to Bandon Dunes than it is Scotland. If you're travelling from the East Coast of the United States their right, but the trip to Bandon is more than worth it. Bandon Dunes Golf Resort is the brain child of owner Mike Keiser a wealthy businessman and passionate golfer who took a build it and they will come mentality.
What he ended up with 18 years later is America's best golf resort. Bandon Dunes is a golf resort, not a luxury 5-star accommodation that offers golf as an activity. While at Bandon Dunes you'll be surrounded by people who love golf many of whom have travelled thousands of miles to play golf as it’s meant to be played.