We know you’ve heard it before, when it comes to golf, consistency is key to success. At Golf Aficionado we couldn’t agree more. Let’s face it, the players on tour all have one thing in common, they are able to constantly repeat their swing. For players of their caliber, equipment isn’t a huge part of the equation, most likely they could use any set of clubs or golf ball and still beat you and me. However, if your game is anything like mine you’re looking for every possible advantage. Let’s start with something you can control and repeat again and again, ball height on the tee. Most golfers have tried numerous types of tees, from the ones you may have bought to the ones you find on the course.
Most golf courses will provide you with one of two types of golf tees for free; either the classic wooden golf tee or the more modern plastic golf tee. When it comes to shopping for tees there are so many different types on the market today. In fact, after every PGA Merchandise Show we typically end up with at least 25 different varieties of golf tees. These tees all have one thing in common they tend to promise some type of advantage, such as more yardage or less friction.
At Golf Aficionado, we’ve been fortunate enough to test out pretty much every tee on the market. For the past year we’ve been using our favorite. A little over a year ago, Consistent-Tee sent us a few packs of tees and no matter which new tee we’ve tested subsequently we continue to go back and use Consistent-Tee. Consistent-Tee is all about precision, while the majority of golfers aren’t skilled enough to repeat the same exact swing time and again, Consistent-Tee allows anyone to repeat the exact height of the tee every time. Reviewing the Consistent-Tee website they explain how Consistent-Tee takes the guesswork out of how high to tee your ball and places it in the ideal position: at least 1/2 of the ball should be above the top line of the tee.
Using a Consistent-Tee you’ll eliminate the worry about ball height, how many times have you heard someone say “I teed it up too low or too high”. While you might not see a drastic improvement in distance or accuracy but we can promise that you’ll never worry or question if the ball is teed up correctly. Consistent-Tee provides ball height consistency as well as durability. We know that nobody wants to be on the course with a bunch of tees in your pocket. With Consistent-Tee you’ll only need one tee because they last forever and a day. We’ve played 10+ rounds with just one Consistent-Tee, you’re more likely to lose a Consistent-Tee than break one. Have we broken a Consistent-Tee on the course? Of course, everything has its breaking point but when they break it’s like seeing a shooting star. One tip we’ve learned is to give the tee a little wiggle if you notice the ground on the tee box is extremely hard packed.
Last year Golf Aficionado sponsored a local Junior PGA team and provided a few junior golfers with Consistent-Tees, the feedback was off the charts. First off, the majority of junior golfers have a hard time teeing up the golf ball, let alone trying to ensure the ball is at the proper height. Using a Consistent-Tee, junior golfers were able to gain independence and tee their ball up faster with the proper height. There is a lot to be said for reducing the level of stress on the tee especially for junior golfers. Let’s face it, the last thought you want before impact is if your tee is at the proper height.
Consistent-Tee Product Rating (Overall Rating 4 ½ stars out of 5)
The only downside we could find with Consistent-Tee is the fact that you can only use it with your driver. At a Par 3 or short par 4 you’ll need to use a different tee since Consistent-Tee would be way too high for an iron or 3 wood. Myself I’m a creature of habit, if I’m not hitting driver I always find a broken tee on the ground to use so it’s not a big deal, but we did want to point out the only drawback we could find with Consistent-Tee.